
How to sync office 365
How to sync office 365

Tip: We assign a “Lever” category to each message in an email thread started from Lever. When the candidate replies to your email, you’ll see their response in your Office 365 inbox.

how to sync office 365

(We cannot send emails from email aliases.) You’ll see these emails in your Office 365 “Sent” folder. When you send an email to a candidate, we will send the email using the Office 365 account that you gave us permission to email from. Once permissions have been set up, you’re ready to send and receive emails! After you hit the “save changes” button, we’ll show you an Office 365 screen through which you can authorize us to send emails on your behalf. Just tick the “Email” permissions box on your account settings page. Lever only syncs email with your permission. We use an authentication standard named “OAuth”, so we do not receive or store your Office 365 credentials. How do I send and receive emails from/to my Office 365 account? In this article, we will discuss how to email candidates using your Office 365 account. There are many components to our Office 365 integration: login, email, and scheduling. This integration is not compatible with Office 365 GCC High at this time. If you aren’t sure about your company’s configuration, please reference this help article and/or ask a member of your IT team to reach out to us.

how to sync office 365

This integration is only available to teams that are entirely based on Office 365 and are not using any on-premise Exchange servers.

How to sync office 365